Alicia Small


Profile Details

About Me / Bio

Alicia Small is the founder and Managing Director of a locally registered consultancy business, Game Changer Concepts, since 2013. With this move to being an entrepreneur, Alicia is passionate about projects and partners that engage her love for transformational leadership development, coaching and facilitation, strategic planning and visioning and corporate social responsibility. Alicia is a Certified Professional Facilitator through the International Association of Facilitators and has a professional development goal of also becoming officially certified as a Leadership and Life Coach.

Alicia is also the founder and Executive Director of locally registered NGO, SHIFT! Caribbean, and has over 10 years of experience in marketing and communications strategy, leadership and community development both in Trinidad and Tobago and in the United States. Her academic background is in Marketing and International Business, which greatly informs her ability to connect with and effectively work to help people develop personally and professionally in the communities she serves. Through SHIFT! Caribbean, which was incorporated in 2013, Alicia has hosted capacity building workshops for individuals, NGOs, businesses and individual citizens committed to sustainable change for the nation and the wider Caribbean region. She has trained over four hundred leaders across various sectors in a project design methodology that blends conscious leadership principles and systems thinking design distinctions. This methodology, created by Dr. Monica Sharma, is the Conscious Full Spectrum Response Model, which focuses on determining the root causes of problems, sourcing the innate power of individuals to actually be the solution while shifting systems that perpetuate societal issues.

Professional Title

Founder and Managing Director


Master’s or equivalent level (level 7)

Human Resources

Organisational Structure and Design, Staff Training & Development

Project Development & Management

Proposal Generation